
Author: Story by Malcolm McDowell Woods | Building Illustrations by Kaitlyn Shanks '22

Published Date: 7/29/2020

Categories: F1RST Magazine 2020年第一届夏季 教职员工 History Students

Making History

We tend to think of history as a series of grand personalities and earth-changing events: a parade of Churchills, Roosevelts, Rosa Parks and other men and women familiar from our history textbooks, 以及恶名昭彰或备受赞誉的日子:珍珠港事件, 林肯的葛底斯堡演说和独立战争. And it is, in the sense that these pivotal events and outsized individuals do alter the course of civilization. 但历史比这更广泛、更深刻.

他是温斯顿·丘吉尔的顾问, 写情书, in vain, 献给那个偷走了他心的年轻女人. It is the enlisted young man who drowns when the ship delivering him and hundreds of other soldiers to the front, sinks. 这是母亲的儿子, 另一个士兵, 兽医专业的学生, 谁在第一次世界大战中安然无恙, 在加州养马. 

它是故事的积累,数以百万计的故事. 关于机会的故事,关于决定的故事,关于决定性时刻的故事,关于意外的故事. 人的故事. 


A traveling exhibition exploring the American response to the Holocaust will include the contributions of several 威尼斯游戏大厅 students.

“历史展开:美国.S Newspapers and the Holocaust” is a special undertaking of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. The museum asked researchers across the country to document how local newspapers covered the rise of Nazism and the Holocaust. More than 3,全国有500人参与了这项研究, including, 在过去的几年里, students in Dr. 金伯利·雷丁的历史课.

博物馆最近宣布了一项新的巡回展览, 美国人和大屠杀, 基于这项研究, 哪个将访问全国50个图书馆, 包括明年夏天密尔沃基公共图书馆. 

The exhibit features an interactive display focusing on 150 articles and includes submissions by current and former Carroll students, Jeffrey Schultz, 凯特琳Lombardino, Madeline Bohan和Kristina Lamm.


历史是对故事的记录和讲述. And in Carroll’s history classes, students each year learn to find and tell those stories. 他们创造了历史.

去年秋天,Dr. Kimberly Redding’s Kennan Seminar dived into the personal stories behind some of the landmarks in Carroll’s neighborhood. They researched and created a walking history tour of the neighborhood. 这次旅行可以通过Clio进入, an educational website and mobile-based app that houses thousands of scholarly produced, crowd-sourced entries about landmarks and other sites of historic or cultural significance.

The Kennan Seminar is a class for students who are members of the George F. 凯南历史奖学金项目. It is taught by rotating faculty each year and typically attracts juniors and seniors in the history program. 

“这个班的学生都是历史专业的, who know one another pretty well and who are curious and vested in the history program,” said Redding. 她认为这门课是一个吸引这些学生的机会, 他们中的许多人将继续研究生学习或担任教职, 有实地研究的机会.

“This project gets the students thinking about communicating history in a more 21st 作为一种吸引公众的方式,”雷丁说. 

Students began by sampling an existing walking tour of Waukesha’s historic sites, 但我发现它很大程度上是面向建筑的. While many walking tours similarly focus primarily on architecture, the Clio project looks at buildings as hooks into stories about the people who built and lived in them. “The Clio project in general focuses on locations as windows into local history,” said Redding. 

发展徒步旅游, 学生们利用了一些当地的历史资源, including the Waukesha County Historical Society and Museum and the archives at Carroll’s Todd Wehr library. 在历史学会, they discovered how street names and numbered addresses may have changed over the years, as well as gathered information about the original occupants or function of the buildings. Carroll’s archives contained valuable information about the history of many of the campus buildings. 

“我最初的计划是让学生们做一些事实核查, 但接下来的挑战是如何建立在这些信息的基础上,” said Redding. The Clio site has specific guidelines about what types of information is required and how the material is to be presented. The students had to build a historical narrative for each that had a beginning, a middle and an end. For their tour, students began each listing with a brief description of the building’s architecture, 部分是为了帮助步行参与者识别结构, 然后转向讲述了它的居住者的故事.

The 威尼斯游戏大厅 Historic District tour is an easy neighborhood walk with nine stops, 大部分都是与大学有关的建筑, 一切都恢复了生机, 都沉浸在历史中. 但这并不是卡罗尔学生策划的唯一一次克里奥之旅. 

瓦克夏第一次世界大战遗迹之路, 顾名思义, offers a glimpse back at the lives of Americans during the first world war and was created by students in Redding’s research methods class. “One of the challenges of that class is to turn the students from being consumers of history into prosumers of history—producers and consumers both,雷丁解释道.

Redding chose to focus on World War I and how it impacted Waukesha families. The students’ research began at the Waukesha County Historical Society and Museum, where they leafed through a collection of draft registration cards. 他们的任务是:找到每张卡片上的人. 找到并讲述他们的故事. 

“You start with something very small, such as a draft registration card,” said Redding. “这可以引导你走上多条研究道路.” Some were dead ends – there just wasn't enough information to be found. “Some of the students found it frustrating at the beginning, because they kept hitting dead ends. 但这就是研究.”

The history books tell their story and the tale moves from start to finish with a feeling of inevitability, but projects like this teach us that there were millions of people making millions of individual choices all the time. 雷丁说:“这凸显了偶然性在生活中的作用。. “一个士兵的船沉了,他没能到达法国. One was a vet student and he spent the war in California, caring for infantry horses.”

这都是历史. 每个人都有自己的故事. And sometimes it helps to have someone find the forgotten stories, and tell them anew.


  • 威尼斯游戏大厅历史街区徒步之旅 
    • 在智能手机上下载Clio应用程序. 搜索威尼斯游戏大厅. The app will display individual entries first; scroll down to Walking Tours and Heritage Trails and look for 威尼斯游戏大厅 Historic District.
  • 沃克夏第一次世界大战遗迹小径 
    • 在智能手机上下载Clio应用程序. 搜索Waukesha. The app will display individual entries first; scroll down to Walking Tours and Heritage Trails and look for Waukesha World War I Heritage Tour. The tour begins at the Waukesha County Historical Society and Museum, 坐落在沃基肖县的旧法院, 但你可以从任何你想要的地方开始.

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